📄️ useAccount
Hook to retrieve account data with optional arguments to invoke given function on connect/disconnect.
📄️ useActiveChainCurrency
hook to retrieve specific connected chains currency
📄️ useActiveChainIds
hook to retrieve connected account's active chainIds
📄️ useActiveChains
hook to retrieve connected account's active ChainInfos
📄️ useActiveWalletType
hook to retrieve current active WalletType
📄️ useBalance
Hook to retrieve specific asset balance from current account or given address
📄️ useBalanceStaked
Hook to retrieve list of staked balances from current account or given address
📄️ useBalances
Hook to retrieve all balances from current account or given address
📄️ useCapsule
Hook to interact with @leapwallet/cosmos-social-login-capsule-provider-ui
📄️ useActiveChains
hook to retrieve ChainInfo object from GrazProvider with given chainId
📄️ useActiveChains
hook to retrieve ChainInfo objects from GrazProvider with given chainId
📄️ useCheckWallet
Hook to check whether given {@link WalletType} or default configured wallet is supported
📄️ useConnect
Mutation hook to execute wallet connection with optional arguments to invoke given functions on error, loading, or success event
📄️ useCosmWasmClient
Hook to retrieve a CosmWasmClient.
📄️ useCosmWasmSigningClient
Hook to retrieve a SigningCosmWasmClient.
📄️ useCosmWasmTmSigningClient
Hook to retrieve a SigningCosmWasmClient with tendermint client.
📄️ useDisconnect
Mutation hook to execute wallet disconnection with optional arguments to invoke given functions on error, loading, or success event.
📄️ useExecuteContract
Mutation hook to executing transactions against a CosmWasm smart contract.
📄️ useInstantiateContract
Mutation hook to instantiate a CosmWasm smart contract.
📄️ useOfflineSigners
Hook to retrieve offline signer objects (default, amino enabled, and auto)
📄️ useQueryRaw
Query hook for dispatching a "raw" query to a CosmWasm smart contract.
📄️ useQuerySmart
Query hook for dispatching a "smart" query to a CosmWasm smart contract.
📄️ useRecentChainIds
hook to retrieve last connected chainIds
📄️ useRecentChains
hook to retrieve last connected ChainInfos
📄️ useSendIbcTokens
Mutation hook to send IBC tokens and returns @cosmjs/stargate's DeliverTxResponse
📄️ useSendTokens
Mutation hook to send tokens and returns @cosmjs/stargate's DeliverTxResponse
📄️ useStargateClient
Hook to retrieve a StargateClient.
📄️ useStargateSigningClient
Hook to retrieve a SigningStargateClient.
📄️ useStargateTmSigningClient
Hook to retrieve a SigningStargateClient with tendermint client.
📄️ useSuggestChain
Mutation hook for suggesting a chain to a wallet
📄️ useSuggestChainAndConnect
mutation hook for Suggesting a chain and connect to a wallet in one hook.
📄️ useTendermintClient
Hook to retrieve a TendermintClient.