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To integrate your DAPP with wallet connect using graz you need to have projectId from


import { GrazProvider, WalletType } from "graz";

// example next.js application in _app.tsx
export default function CustomApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (
// ...
walletConnect: {
options: {
<Component {...pageProps} />

projectId is required to interact with WalletConnect

For advance configuration see WalletConnectStore


import { getAvailableWallets, useConnect } from "graz";

export const AvailableWallets = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
const wallets = getAvailableWallets();

return (
{wallets.walletconnect && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ walletType: WalletType.WALLETCONNECT })}>WalletConnect</button>
{wallets.wc_keplr_mobile && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ walletType: WalletType.WC_KEPLR_MOBILE })}>Keplr Mobile</button>
{wallets.wc_leap_mobile && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ walletType: WalletType.WC_LEAP_MOBILE })}>Leap Mobile</button>
{wallets.wc_cosmostation_mobile && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ walletType: WalletType.WC_COSMOSTATION_MOBILE })}>Cosmostation Mobile</button>


  • if walletConnect.options.projectId not provided on GrazProvider, WalletType.WALLETCONNECT | WalletType.WC_KEPLR_MOBILE | WalletType.WC_LEAP_MOBILE| WalletType.WC_COSMOSTATION_MOBILE will return false
  • WalletType.WALLETCONNECT is using @walletconnect/modal for the modal, it will only shows the qr code. To connect and have deep linking to wallet mobile apps, use WalletType.WC_KEPLR_MOBILE | WalletType.WC_LEAP_MOBILE| WalletType.WC_COSMOSTATION_MOBILE
  • WalletType.WC_KEPLR_MOBILE | WalletType.WC_LEAP_MOBILE| WalletType.WC_COSMOSTATION_MOBILE | WalletType.WC_CLOT_MOBILE only returns true on mobile, WalletType.WALLETCONNECT will shows on anywhere