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Migration Guide

0.2.0 Breaking Changes

We updates the react-query version to 5.62.0 and removes QueryClientProvider initialisation from Graz Provider. As a results, dApps must now wrap Graz provider with QueryClientProvider on their end. Also note that react-query has been added as peer dependency now.

+ import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from 'react-query';
import { GrazProvider } from 'graz';

+ const queryClient = new QueryClient();

+ <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<GrazProvider grazOptions={{
// ... Your options
// children
+ </QueryClientProvider>

0.1.26 Breaking Changes


Wallet connect modal uses @walletconnect/modal instead of deprecated web3modal Renamed prop walletConnect.web3Modal to walletConnect.walletConnectModal

walletConnect: {
- web3Modal: web3ModalOptions
+ walletConnectModal: walletConnectModalOptions

0.1.18 Breaking Changes

Signing client hooks

Now siging client hooks not returning undefined when the signing client is not available, it will return null instead.

0.1.0 Breaking Changes


grazOptions is required to provide a ChainInfo[] to the chains param. Read more

const cosmoshub = {
chainId: "cosmoshub-4",
chainName: "Cosmos Hub",
- <GrazProvider>
+ <GrazProvider grazOptions={{
+ chains: [cosmoshub]
+ }}>
// children

defaultChain removed from grazOptions

Removed GrazChain type

We are using ChainInfo from @keplr-wallet/types instead of GrazChain

Our initial intention having GrazChain is for adding and only using required value for interacting with signingClients. We adding rpcHeaders and gas in there for interacting with clients and signingClient for simplicity, but this can make a different problem when you already have a ChainInfo you will need to mutate those constants. Read RFC.

For adding rpcHeaders and gas, we can add it in GrazProvider on grazOptions.chainsConfig to provide those values.

interface ChainConfig {
rpcHeaders?: Dictionary<string>;
gas?: { price: string; denom: string };

type ChainsConfig = Record<string, ChainConfig>;
// previous GrazChain
const cosmoshub = {
chainId: "cosmoshub-4",
chainName: "Cosmos Hub",
- rpcHeaders: {
- "custom-header": "custom-value"
- },
- gas: {
- price: "0.025",
- denom: "uatom"
- }

<GrazProvider grazOptions={
chains: [cosmoshub],
+ chainsConfig:{
+ "cosmoshub-4": {
+ rpcHeaders: {
+ "custom-header": "custom-value"
+ },
+ gas: {
+ price: "0.025",
+ denom: "uatom"
+ }
+ }
+ }
// children

When you connect you don't need GrazChain anymore, you only need the chainId

  const { connect } = useConnect();
- chain: cosmoshub,
+ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", // chainId receive string | string[]
// ...


const { connect } = useConnect();
- chain: cosmoshub,
+ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", // chainId receive string | string[]
// ...


return type of connect in useConnect and onConnect params

interface ConnectResult {
- account: Key;
+ account: Record<string, Key>
walletType: WalletType;
- chain: GrazChain;
+ chains: ChainInfo[];


- const balance = useBalance(denom, bech32Address);
+ const balance = useBalance({ denom, bech32Address });


- const balances = useBalances(denom, bech32Address);
+ const balances = useBalances({ denom, bech32Address });


- const balanceStaked = useBalances(bech32Address);
+ const balanceStaked = useBalanceStaked({ bech32Address });


- const querySmart = useQuerySmart(address, message);
+ const querySmart = useQuerySmart({ address, queryMsg });


- const queryRaw = useQueryRaw(address, key);
+ const queryRaw = useQueryRaw({ address, key });

0.0.50 Breaking Changes

Full changelog


suggestChain and suggestChainAsync param to object param

interface SuggestChainArgs {
chainInfo: ChainInfo;
walletType: WalletType;
- suggestChain(chainInfo)
+ suggestChain({ chainInfo, walletType }: SuggestChainArgs)


We remove signerOpts param from connect and connectAsync in useConnect

chain: chain,
walletType: walletType,
- signerOpts: signerOpts


We remove signerOpts param from suggestAndConnect and suggestAndConnectAsync in useSuggestChainAndConnect

chain: chain,
walletType: walletType,
- signerOpts: signerOpts

0.0.45 Breaking Changes

Full changelog

Reworked connect

connect not creating offline signers, clients and signing clients

Removed Actions:

  • createClients
  • createSigningClients
  • createQueryClient
  • getBalances
  • getBalanceStaked

Removed useClients

Use these hooks instead:

  • useStargateClient
  • useCosmwasmClient
  • useTendermintClient

Removed useSigningClients

Use these hooks instead:

  • useStargateSigningClient
  • useStargateTmSigningClient
  • useCosmWasmSigningClient
  • useCosmwasmTmSigningClient


added mutation param signingClient?: SigningStargateClient | SigningCosmWasmClient

+ const { data: signingClient } = useStargateSigningClient()
const { sendTokens } = useSendTokens();
+ signingClient,
recipientAddress: "cosmos1g3jjhgkyf36pjhe7u5cw8j9u6cgl8x929ej430";
// ...


added mutation param signingClient?: SigningStargateClient

+ const { data: signingClient } = useStargateSigningClient()
const { sendIbcTokens } = useSendIbcTokens();
+ signingClient,
recipientAddress: "cosmos1g3jjhgkyf36pjhe7u5cw8j9u6cgl8x929ej430";
// ...


added mutation param signingClient?: SigningCosmWasmClient

+ const { data: signingClient } = useCosmwasmSigningClient()
const { instantiateContract } = useInstantiateContract();
+ signingClient,
msg: instatiateMessage,
label: "test"


added mutation param signingClient?: SigningCosmWasmClient

+ const { data: signingClient } = useCosmwasmSigningClient()
const { executeContract } = useExecuteContract();
+ signingClient,
msg: {
foo: "bar"