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Version 0.1.19

  • Added Compass wallet integration

Version 0.1.18

  • Added Wallet connect mobile clot integration
  • Fix signing client hooks client side error

Version 0.1.16

  • Bump capsule deps

Version 0.1.15

  • Fetch all keys from wallet instead of transforming bech32

Version 0.1.14

  • Support iframe autoconnect

version 0.1.13

  • Support iframe connection

Version 0.1.9

  • graz cli fix null gasPriceStep

Version 0.1.8

Version 0.1.7

  • Fix Metamask Snap Leap when signing

Version 0.1.6

  • Added capsule wallet integration
  • walletDefaultOptions param in GrazProvider for setting default options for wallet.
  • Added useCapsule hook for leap login capsule ui
  • denom in useBalance param is now optional

Version 0.1.5

  • Fix typing on SigningClient hooks for single chain opts param

Version 0.1.4

  • Improve useChainInfos and useChainInfo to return ChainInfo object from GrazProvider with given chainId
  • Added Actions getChainInfos and getChainInfo to retrieve ChainInfo object from GrazProvider with given chainId
  • Improve wallet connect getKey
  • Improve Metamask Snap if okxwallet inject ethereum object to window

Version 0.1.3

  • ✅ Added signArbitrary to Wallet type
  • ✅ Added XDefi wallet integration

Version 0.1.2

  • Various bug fixes for Wallet Connect

Version 0.1.1

  • ✅ Added Station Wallet integration

Version 0.1.0

  • Multi Chain experience
  • Removed GrazChain type
  • Reworked GrazProvider
  • Roworked most of the hooks

Read migration guide here

Version 0.0.51

  • Fix Wallet Connect multiple prompt when connect in mobile
  • Added isWalletConnect to check walletType is using Wallet Connect or not

Version 0.0.50

  • MetaMask Snap: Remove Flask flag, you can now use MetaMask wallet for MetaMask Snap.
  • Fix suggestChain (useSuggestChain), suggestAndConnect (useSuggestChainAndConnect) for MetaMask Snap
  • Change suggestChain param to object param
    chainInfo: ChainInfo;
    walletType: WalletType;
  • Removed signerOpts param in connect and connectAsync from useConnect
  • Removed signerOpts param in suggestChainAndConnect and suggestChainAndConnectAsync from useSuggestChainAndConnect

Version 0.0.49

  • Fix client side error
  • Fix wallet not found error
  • Add experimentalSuggestChain to metamask snap

Version 0.0.48

  • Added Wallet integration Metamask Snap for Leap Cosmos 🐺🐸
  • Fix: refetch useBalance
  • Feat: useBalance if no address passed will use current connected account
  • Feat: useCosmWasmSigningClient and useCosmwasmTmSigningClient now prefilled with gas price from chain state

Version 0.0.45

  • Reworked connect: connect not creating offline signers, clients and signing clients

  • Added Actions:

    • getOfflineSigners
  • Removed Actions:

    • createClients
    • createSigningClients
    • createQueryClient
    • getBalances
    • getBalanceStaked
  • Breaking Change:

    • useSendTokens - added mutation param signingClient?: SigningStargateClient | SigningCosmWasmClient
    • useSendIbcTokens - added mutation param signingClient?: SigningStargateClient
    • useInstantiateContract - added mutation param signingClient?: SigningCosmWasmClient
    • useExecuteContract - added mutation param signingClient?: SigningCosmWasmClient
    • getQuerySmart - added param client?: CosmWasmClient
    • getQueryRaw - added param client?: CosmWasmClient
  • Improved useBalances returning all balances from an account not from provided chainInfo(GrazChain)

  • Added Hooks:

    • useStargateClient
    • useCosmwasmClient
    • useTendermintClient
    • useStargateSigningClient
    • useStargateTmSigningClient
    • useCosmWasmSigningClient
    • useCosmwasmTmSigningClient
  • Removed Hooks:

    • useClients
    • useSigningClients
    • useQueryClient

Version 0.0.44

  • ✅ Added Vectis Wallet integration

Version 0.0.43

  • ✅ Added useActiveWalletType hook

Version 0.0.42

  • WalletConnect v2 support
  • ✅ Added more WalletType for connecting WalletConnect wallets
  • 🗑️ Deprecated constants, will be removed in next version mainnetChains, mainnetChainsArray, testnetChains, testnetChainsArray. Use graz generate👍
  • 🛠️ Splitted internal store between user session and graz internal