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Connect wallet

You can connect to a specific wallet by using the useConnect hook. You can connect to a specific wallet by passing the walletType parameter to the connect function.

Read more about wallet types.

Set default wallet

You can set a default wallet type by passing the defaultWalletType parameter into grazProvider in <GrazProvider/>.

import { GrazProvider, WalletType } from "graz";

const App = () => {
return (
chains: [...]
defaultWalletType: WalletType.KEPLR,
<Connect />

You don't need to pass the walletType parameter to the connect function, it will use the default wallet type.

const Connect = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
return <button onClick={() => connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4" })}>Connect</button>;

Connect to a specific wallet

Here is our list of supported wallets: WalletType.

import { WalletType } from "graz";
const Connect = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
return <button onClick={() => connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: WalletType.LEAP })}>Connect</button>;

Check if wallet supported

import { WalletType, checkWallet } from "graz";

const isKeplrSupported = checkWallet(WalletType.KEPLR);

return (
{isKeplrSupported && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: WalletType.KEPLR })}>Connect</button>

List all wallet

We have WALLET_TYPES it's an array of WalletType.

WALLET_TYPES: WalletType[]
import { WALLET_TYPES, useConnect } from "graz";

export const SupportedWallet = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
return (
{ => (
<button onClick={connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: name })} key={name}>

List all wallets but show only supported wallet

You can combine WALLET_TYPES and checkWallet to show only supported wallets.

import { WALLET_TYPES, checkWallet, useConnect } from "graz";

export const SupportedWallet = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
return (
{WALLET_TYPES.filter((name) => checkWallet(name)).map((name) => (
<button onClick={connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: name })} key={name}>