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Connect wallet through iframe

First you have to set the allowed origins for the iframe wallet, then you can connect.

Pass allowed iframe parent origins to grazOptions in GrazProvider

Graz using cosmiframe for establishing a Cosmos wallet connection through an iframe.

It is very important to trust the outer app, since supporting this functionality opens up the possibility for the outer app to manipulate messages before asking the user to sign them.

Cosmiframe enforces security by requiring you to specify allowed origins in the constructor on client instantiation.

iframeOptions: {
allowedIframeParentOrigins: ["", ""],
<Component {...pageProps} />


Here is our list of supported wallets: WalletType.

import { WalletType } from "graz";
const Connect = () => {
const { connect } = useConnect();
return (
<button onClick={() => connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: WalletType.COSMIFRAME })}>Connect</button>

Check if iframe wallet available

import { WalletType, checkWallet } from "graz";

const isIframeAvailable = checkWallet(WalletType.COSMIFRAME);

return (
{isIframeAvailable && (
<button onClick={() => connect({ chainId: "cosmoshub-4", walletType: WalletType.COSMIFRAME })}>Connect</button>